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  • No.1 UPVC Spraying Company in Scotland



Front Shop Spraying – Levi’s Store, Buchanan Street, Glasgow

The task

We were given a task to repaint all aluminium frames, but that needed to be done in one night and under bad weather condition.


What we did

Because the task was massive and we had only one night, we used a team of nine spray painters. The aluminium frames were hand-painted before. Hence, we began our work by scrapping off the existing paint. Because our staff is always prepared for all types of challenges, they could scrape off the current paint in time and applied Kolorbond K2 paint on the aluminium frames throughout the night.

The result


We completed the project within just one night, and the finished look exquisite.


Looking for a Quote?

If you are looking for a professional spray painting service partner, go nowhere else, and call J&D Spray painting Experts today. We will be happy to help you!